Evil Tongues and the Apostle Jacob (James)

Evil Tongues and the Apostle Jacob (James)

In these weeks’ Torah portion, traditionally chapters 12-13 of Leviticus are being studied. They speak not only about the cleansing of women, but also a strange skin disease - “Metzura”…
Home-cooked meal to the senior citizens

Home-cooked meal to the senior citizens

Beginning of January, we wrote about the initiative to provide elderly immigrants living in two city hostels with weekly hot meals. Now finally, thanks to the support and prayers of…
“Share your bread with the hungry…”

“Share your bread with the hungry…”

  The Prophet Isaiah wrote: “share your bread with the hungry…" (Is.58: 7) Yes, in modern Israel, fortunately, you will not see many homeless people on the streets, you will…
From Nazareth with love

From Nazareth with love

  Shalom, friends! On behalf of the brothers and sisters in our congregation, I thank you for your prayer and material support! Today, in the light of the current events…
Small gifts at the hostel for the elderly

Small gifts at the hostel for the elderly

Israel is one of the most developed countries in terms of caring for the elderly people, however, high prices for housing and living expenses are forcing many pensioners to move…
Keeping talented children occupied

Keeping talented children occupied

Unlike most music and art schools, Keshet Tzillim has been running since it was first launched, and all threw the heart of the pandemic from online video classes to private…
Warm and cozy homes

Warm and cozy homes

While the Covid-19-related restrictions remain in effect, we pray for creative, vibrant, and insightful ways to reach out to those around us. It is such a blessing to have partners…
Return to Zion Congregation

Return to Zion Congregation

Since the beginning of the quarantine, thanks to the Lord, we have not only kept our congregation together, but we have seen a significant growth of our ministry. Home groups…