Scripture teaches us – “do not stop gathering”, many pastors, quite rightly, interpret this text as a call to hold services and not leave community meetings, but after all, a congregation, a church, as we understand it, is not a building and not some kind of administrative structure, the congregation is the people, brothers and sisters, who need not only spiritual, but also emotional – in good friendly communication. Therefore, in the “Return to Zion” congregation, a pious tradition has developed, at least once a year, when possible, to gather the all on a journey to biblical places.

The current trip to Galilee we gathered more than 100 of us and was extremely special, on the Kinneret we sailed in wooden boats, remembering the journey of Yeshua with His disciples, and then, one of the women, who recently arrived from Belarus, and who passed our Aleph Course, entered the Covenant with the Lord by being baptized. We believe that in this beautiful journey, as in the great journey of our whole life, we, as part of His Body, have become closer to each other and more open to His ways for us.