

我們的團隊持續為新移民安排認識以色列傳統的教學參觀旅行。我們非常感謝耶路撒冷的”Beit Sar Shalom(平安王之家)”彌賽亞中心的贊助。新約中提到的幾個地方也都包含在我們的短程旅行裡面。第一個特殊的地方是在Latrun的堡壘及修道院。”Latrun”這個字是從法語La toron des Chevaliers而來,意思是”騎士之丘”。在12世紀時,這裡是聖戰的堡壘,固守從雅法到耶路撒冷的通路。修道院的一個特點就是斷絕與世俗之間的交流之故,這個修道院叫做”修道院的沉默”。聖經時代的以馬忤斯,或是之後羅馬時代的尼克波利斯,都位在這裡。這是非常重要的一個地點,是當耶穌復活後遇見祂的兩個門徒之處。那天晚上,耶穌為他們剥餅及祝福,他們眼睛的帕子被挪開,就認出祂來。(路加福音24:13ff)

Couples Retreat

Couples Retreat

On February 17-18, 2017, married couples from our Messianic Congregation, Return to Zion, spent an unforgettable holiday in the north of Israel, near the Sea of Galilee. More than twenty…
Tiberius for Olim Chadashim

Tiberius for Olim Chadashim

On December 23, 2016, a team from our Messianic Congregation, Return to Zion, visited Tiberius with a group of Olim Chadashim (new immigrants). They also visited the Mount of Transfiguration…
Educational tour for Olim Chadashim

Educational tour for Olim Chadashim

On December 12, a team of our Messianic Congregation, “Return to Zion," organized an educational tour to Jerusalem for Olim Chadashim (New Immigrants) from Haifa and the suburbs. Our team…
A group of Japanese visiting us

A group of Japanese visiting us

November 5, 2016 Shabbat service visited by the group from Japan. They shared a word, took part in the praise and worship, and testified about miraculous healings. At the end…
Korean Culture Evenings at “Return to Tzion”

Korean Culture Evenings at “Return to Tzion”

On October 27-28, 2016 a Korean group of 40 people organized cultural evenings in our congregation. The first evening was organized for Holocaust Survivors and their families. The second evening was for the members of our congregation. They prepared an interesting and colorful program: traditional singing and dancing, drumming, origami, hairstyling and of course tasty dishes of Korean food.

A Trip to Masada for New Immigrants

A Trip to Masada for New Immigrants

On October 25, 2016, the ministers of our congregation organized a trip for new immigrants to Masada.
Masada is an ancient fortress, which is located near the Israeli town Arad on the southern coast of the Dead Sea.


Simchat Torah at Our Congregation

Simchat Torah at Our Congregation

On October 24, 2016 we celebrated the Feast Simchat Torah (the Joy of the Torah) with dancing and singing. That’s when the cycle of the weekly Torah readings was completed. On that day, we read the final portion of the Torah and following we read the beginning chapter of Genesis again.

A Trip with the Kids to Galilee

A Trip with the Kids to Galilee

October 19-20, 2016 our teachers of the Sabbath School organized a trip for children to the places were Yeshua lived and ministered.
In Nazareth, where He spent his childhood, the children learned how to make olive oil and had a snack with pita and zater, one of the typical Israeli spices. They also visited Capernaum, where Yeshua taught in the synagogue, and where the disciple Peter lived as well as the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret), where He appointed His first disciples. The children made another stop in Bethsaida, near this city Yeshua taught and performed miracles, for example, feeding a large crowd with two fish and five loaves of bread. Capernaum has not been restored until this day (it did not accept the gospel; however, it has heard it and seen many miracles). At the end of the trip, the children went kayaking in the Jordan River. The children came home delighted.