Olim (Immigrants)

Olim Project

Ministry for the New Immigrants (Olim) that come back home to Israel

Established in 2014


Project Goals

  • To serve the needy
  • To help “Olim” during their first steps in the land
  • To show God’s love by deeds
  • To provide a place of fellowship
  • To show “Olim” their new homeland, its landscapes, history and traditions

This project was born in 2014.

God drew our attention to the big waves of new immigrants (Olim) that come especially from the combat zone in Ukraine.

We started providing them food baskets and supporting with some clothes and every little help that we could scratch from here and there. However, God is huge, He has always a plan and we began to understand the magnitude of this program…

“Now, I will send for many fishermen, says the Lord, and they shall fish for them; and afterwards I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and out of the holes of the rocks” Jeremiah 16:16

Spiritual fruits

Through this ministry, we have seen families that found God; they participate in Shabbat services and bring others with them.


“And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing over them. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And they all ate and were satisfied. And what was left over was picked up, twelve baskets of broken pieces”.

Luke 9:16,17

The Progress

October 2014

The Beginning

Main service – provision with food baskets, Shabbat celebrations with meals and educational tours around the country.

About 100 families were reached.


  • Opening of a warehouse with clothes, house hold supplies, clothes and dippers for children, recruiting volunteers.
  • Educational trips throughout Israel once a month.
  • Food baskets
  • Seminars for “Olim” by former government officials.

650 families were reached.



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