Eagle Project – 2016

Eagle Project 2016 has reached all its goals.

  • God worked in the hearts of our Israeli and Norwegian youth.
  • We at Return to Zion congregation will continue to seek
    the will of God for our young people and bless them.
  • We invite you to become a part of this ministry!

“I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one”

1 John 2:14

The Eagle Project was initiated by Return to Zion congregation in Haifa, Israel, to serve young adults in Messianic congregations in Israel who have completed their service in the Israel Defense Forces.

This project has a number of purposes, including physical and mental rest, spiritual renewal, discipleship, fellowship, and service to local communities at Norway.

The project’s goals are being achieved through close relationships with local Norwegian congregations, mountain hiking, fellowship with local youth, prayer, worship and teaching.  And at the end, the young adults participate in the International Youth Encounter Conference with a lot of worship, testimonies and lessons.

The project was born in 2015, and it is open to all messianic congregations in Israel. We hope that the Eagle Project will bear fruit and strengthen the young participants, who are the next generation of Israeli congregations.

July 2016 – The Performance

– The 12 disciples –

This year twelve participants, including young people who had just finished their service in the IDF and three soldiers who are still on duty, took part in the project from six different congregations in Israel.

The program was divided into four weeks in Norway and focused on the cities of Oslo, Bergen, Volda and Levanger. 

Together with local communities, we reached our goals through the following activities:

Next steps…

God has blessed this project and we believe that He will open the gates for a future activity for young adults from Israel and Norway.


  • Physical rest in the outdoors, at sea and in homes
  • Fellowship with local believers
  • Shabbat meals
  • Ministry by making presentations about Israel to students at a local school
  • City trips
  • Worship and prayer evenings
  • Evenings sharing testimonies by soldiers
  • Bible studies
  • Ministering in various congregations
  • Mountain hiking
  • Fishing
  • Cruising
  • Spend time in the outdoors
  • Group Bible studies
  • Questions and answers
  • Sports
  • Home groups
  • Staying with families and youth communes
  • Experiencing the Holy Spirit
  • Youth conference