Yeshua said to them: “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” Matthew 14:16
When communities «Shavei Tzion» and «Netzer Ha-Galil» just beginning their service, we set ourselves two simple goals: to bring the truth to people and feed the hungry. When we prayed about how to participate in the needs of Israeli society, many of us have received the word of God: «feed the hungry».
«Return to Zion» runs two soup kitchens—one in Haifa and one in Upper Nazareth. The kitchens serve hot meals and dry food packages several times a week. Those who are unable to leave their houses have their meals delivered to them. The kitchen in Haifa receives an increasing number of referrals from Haifa Social Services.

Getting started was hard. There was a feeling that the enemy opposed us in everything from the organization of relations with management and food suppliers to purchasing equipment. Only many prayers from our friends have supported our hands.
Today, the main customers in our kitchen are people from poor families referred to us by the authorities, who in the beginning do not want anything to do with us. Today, aid offices to the poor, social workers, employees of national security, and even employees of employment agency send us people who are in need.
Humanitarian food in Nazareth is helping many families. This is such a special blessing. The Torah and the New Testament teach about mercy. There is no other way in which we can most effectively imitate our heavenly Father than by helping people in need!
Pray, that the people who receive help from us, see it as an aid from the Father, and not from us.

Haifa kitchen is located in the Hadar neighborhood, in a place that in Hebrew is translated as «glory». Unfortunately, fame in this area of Haifa has faded. Many troubled people live there. Many of them are needy and, unfortunately, are in sin.
We believe that simply giving food to these people, we give them a piece of the Light of the One who inspired us for this work. We want to see the moment, when the glory will return to this area. It is good to know that we are God’s partner in this project.