Return to Zion youth Projects 2015-2016

I have written to you, young people, that you are strong, and the word of God resides in you, and you have conquered the evil one.
1 John 2:14
At Return to Zion we continue to work tirelessly to reach out Israelis with the message of Gospel. Regardless of one’s background, we believe that everyone needs the Savior. However, for the young generation of believers in Messiah in Israel, there is a challenge not to give in to the temptations of the real world. They are at the stage of their lives where they will have to make a choice whether to continue following the call of God or let the things of the world take over them. It is a real dilemma for some. However, we understand that the young generation hold the key for continuing our mission of bringing the Good News here, in Israel. Therefore, we have to make sure that we do our work in equipping the young believers, for they are the integral part of the body of the Messiah and the army of the Lord. We know that God has a great future and a special mission for each one of them.
Therefore, it is not surprising that young believers in Yeshua the Messiah are under constant pressure from the enemy, as he wants them to fail in fulfilling their potential. A spiritual battle continues to rage for every young soul. Sadly, we have witnessed few youngsters falling into the enemy’s trap. Even in our congregation, we have noticed that few of them have been facing the struggles when it comes to their spiritual growth. Some of them come to the fellowship because of their parents and others have stopped attending it altogether when they had the opportunity to do so.
Therefore, having taken all of the above into consideration, we decided to do something about it, something that will help us to bring youngsters back and reignite their interests in having the relationships with the living God. On the other hand, for those youngsters, who continue to minister faithfully within the fellowship, it will give an excellent opportunity to engage with their non-believing friends, and together, we will be able to further the Kingdom of God in our neighborhood and our city.
In order to achieve this objective, we thought that the best way for doing so, would be by setting up a place where everyone could be involved in one way or another. Youth club for younger children and a gym for everyone else.
Youth club is going to be designed to provide a home like atmosphere. It will have table games, sofas and a kitchen. As there is a school nearby, it will have facilities for children to do their homework. Most importantly, they will have the opportunity to study the Bible, worship and interact with other young believers.
For more pro-active teenagers who are sport minded, we would like to set up a gym. The facilities of the gym would be available free of charge for believers and their friends, who would not come to the fellowship otherwise.
Nowadays, for a regular kid, to spend his free time in front of a TV or playing on a cell phone has become a norm. The virtual reality has replaced the real interaction. The purpose of these projects is to get youngsters away from this type of destruction and get them involved in real activities. This way they will be able to learn new things, and most importantly, to hear the word of God.
We already have volunteers who have successfully completed their service in the army and are eager to step in and do the work – prepare young people for the new challenges that will inevitably come their way.
Young members of our congregation have helped us to clean up the new premises and the only thing that remains is to get much needed equipment.
Therefore, we would like you to prayerfully consider supporting our projects and our efforts to reach out young Israelis in Haifa with the message of Good News.

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